Conta AND Associates, Inc.


Legislative Service and Public Policy

During eight years in the Wisconsin Legislature, Mr. Conta authored numerous pieces of major legislation.  

·        Wisconsin Industrial Bonding Law:  Permits expanding business and industry in Wisconsin to use municipal bonding authority to secure low interest capital.

·        Machinery and Equipment Tax Exemption law:  Removes the state tax applied against machinery and equipment used in the manufacturing process in order to stimulate economic development and growth. 

·        Law to create Wisconsin Department of Business Development:  Establishes a cabinet level department to promote industrial development in the State of Wisconsin. 

·        Wisconsin Relocation Law:  Provides state subsidies for families and businesses displaced by freeways and other public construction projects.

·        Wisconsin Recycling Authority:  Creates a Wisconsin Solid Waste Recycling Authority to promote, develop and construct recycling centers.

·        Wisconsin Public Inebriate Treatment law:  Removes public drunkenness from Wisconsin criminal statutes and provides funding for treatment facilities throughout Wisconsin. 

·        Wisconsin City/Suburban Transfer Law:  Establishes state fiscal incentives to encourage voluntary integration inside of school districts and between city and suburban school systems.

As Chairman of the Joint Committee on Finance, Mr. Conta was significantly involved in the development and passage of three Wisconsin State Budgets and the development of landmark budgetary legislation in the areas of shared taxes, school aids, social service restructuring and tax reform.

As a member of numerous boards, committees and commissions, Mr. Conta assisted in the research, analysis and implementation and many legislative initiatives, regulatory policies and governmental programs:

·        Chairman, Governor’s School Finance Task Force

·        Chairman, P-5 Advisory Committee for the Milwaukee Public Schools

·        Chairman, Joint Committee on Finance, Wisconsin Legislature

·        Chairman, Wisconsin Board on Government Operations

·        Chairman, Joint Committee on Employment Relations

·        Chairman, Wisconsin Claims Board

·        Member, Blue Ribbon Commission on Tax Reform

·        Member, Milwaukee County Civil Service Commission

·        Member, Governor’s Quality Education in Metropolitan Milwaukee Task Force

·        Member, Wisconsin Strategic Development Commission

·        Member, Milwaukee County Private Industry Council

·        Member, Board of Directors of Medical College of Wisconsin

·        Member, Governor’s Task Force on Health Planning and Policy

·        Member, Milwaukee Planned Parenthood Advisory Council

·        Member, Medical College of Wisconsin Study Commission

·        Member, Wisconsin Legislative Council

·        Member, Council on Drug Abuse

·        Member, Assembly Public Welfare Committee

·        Member, Advisory Committee on Milwaukee Public School System

·        Member, Governor’s Committee on Priorities for Commerce and Industry

·        Member, Governor’s No-Fault Legislation Advisory Committee

·        Member, Commission on State-Local legislation Advisory Committee

·        Member, Milwaukee County Community Health Service Project Steering Committee

·        Member, Special Committee on Performance and Program Audit Procedures